Tuesday, July 22, 2008

National Diet Building 国会議事堂

For those of you planning to visit the Imperial Palace and connecting gardens, you can continue along a nice walk through the Sakura Gate onto Harumi dori and head towards Hibuya Park and the nearby Japan National Diet Building 国会議事堂. (Mind you I did this recently on a sweltering Tokyo summer day, so if you can't wait until the fall, then bring a big bottle of water with you - as it is hot.)

The Diet was established originally as the Imperial Diet during the Meiji period.

The building completed in 1936, is made up of two houses, much like the US Congress; however, the Japanese assembly consists of the House of Representatives occupying the left wing and the House of Councillors which occupies the right wing.

Tours are available, in Japanese only, but you'll be able to observe Japanese politicians discuss and debate the various issues of importance at the moment in the legislature. Not quite C-SPAN but certainly interesting for political junkies.

Reservations are mandatory and the building is open from 9AM - 5PM Monday - Friday.

All the best.....Mark

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