Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Speed Racer - Mach GoGoGo (マッハGoGoGo)

Go Speed Racer, Go Speed Racer Go!

This weekend saw the beginning of the summer movie season with the release of the Wachowski Brothers latest film - after the Matrix Trilogy and V for Vendetta - the live action adaptation movie Speed Racer.

For those who fondly remember the cartoon series which debuted in Japan in the late 60's, this film will offer a 'stroll down memory lane'. Mach GoGoGo (マッハGoGoGo) was the original title for the series and when it was distributed around the world, the name was changed to Speed Racer.

The colors, graphics and action sequences are all certainly kicked up a notch, but the core story and characters remain intact. You'll see Speed, Trixie, Mom, Pop, Rex, Spritle and of course Chim Chim.

This jacked up film was a non stop action powerhouse which purists will be pleased to know followed the original Tatsuo Yoshida storyline. The colors, race car scenes, and over the top graphics seem to combine Bollywood, Hello Kitty and the Jetsons all in one.

After a hard week of work, this film offers a nice diversion with a healthy spoonful of mental fluff to be enjoyed by mom, dad, and the kids. (At 135 minutes, its an enjoyable 2 hour + escape from reality.)

While it was panned by critics and seen as disappointing for not beating out Iron Man with box office receipts, I say head to the multiplex and cheer on Speed...come on everyone take a deep breath and say out loud - Go Speed Racer Go!

All the best....Mark

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