Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cherry Blossom Viewing / Hanami 花見

As we near the end of March/the beginning of April....that can mean only one thing in Japan – it’s Cherry Blossom season – and the locals welcome the arrival of these beautiful blossoms with vim and vigor holding Cherry Blossom viewing parties to officially welcome the Spring Season.

During this time, everyone goes to see the Cherry Blossoms – meeting in parks with friends and family – sitting on tarps or blankets underneath the Cherry Blossom trees enjoying their beauty while enjoying some sake, beer and snacks. This Cherry Blossom viewing time is often referred to as Hanami (花見)

Cherry Blossoms are referred to as Sakura (桜) - typically have a white or pinkish coloring - and are often considered the unofficial national flower; therefore, their arrival is closely monitored and covered by the media as well as by the weather authorities.

The warm weather this year resulted in the Cherry Blossoms starting to bloom earlier than normal.

These fragile blossoms have been celebrated in literature, paintings, songs, adorning kimonos, pottery, etc. The blossoms are believed to personify the fleeting nature of life and mortality due to the fact that the blossoms have a very short season/blooming time.

Some of the more popular spots to view the Cherry Blossoms during this time are: Chidorigafuchi Park (mentioned in an early posting about the Imperial Palace), Ueno / Sumida Park, the Yasukuni Shrine as well as numerous other locations throughout Japan.

So head outside and enjoy the blossoms while they last.

All the best…..Mark

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love Cherry Blossoms. I have three Kwanzan cherry trees and one weeping cherry. I welcome their blooms every year!